Wall Shelves 700
with VAT: 179.08€
- Availability: in stock
- Brand: BHS.LV
- Model: BHS-ZJ23-4006.00.00 SB
Attributes | |
ARTICLE | BHS-ZJ23-4006.00.00 SB |
Price Informational, please contact us | |
NOTES | 700/200/34+100 mm |
Wall Shelves 700
, round
, casserole
, dish
, 120
, dishes 160 oval 127 baking
, 180x125 200x140 high low
, 100 kitchen
, table
, nn1
, work
, tables
, for
, kitchens bhs.lv nn2 nn3 nn4 nn5 stand
, equipment
, nn6 nn7 nn8 equipments
, with
, sink
, nn9 dishwashing
, nn10 nn11 nn12 bar
, nn13 nn14 nn15 nn16 cooker
, hoods
, nn17 nn18 nn19 nn20 canteen
, line
, nn21 nn22 nn23 nn24 nn25 surface
, tables-refrigerators
, nn26 nn27 nn28 nn29 shelves
, nn30 nn31 nn32 nn74 wall
, 700